q.e.d. 증명종료 영어로
- q.e.d. (manga): Q.E.D. 증명종료
- e, q,: phrase, deicational quotient(심)교육 지수
- d, a, q, m, g,: phrase, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General
- p. d. q. bach: p. d. q. 바흐
- p. d. q. 바흐: p. d. q. bach
- 명종: Myeongjong
- e, d, t,: phrase, Eastern daylight time(미)동부 서머 타임
- e, d, d,: phrase, English Dialect Dictionary
- pdq, p.d.q.p: phrase, pretty damned quick즉각
- dêqên county: 더친현
- b.e.d. (film): 베드 (영화)
- d, o, e,: phrase, (영)Department of the Environment, Department of Energy, (미)에너지성
- e, l, d, o,: phrase, European Launcher Development Organization유럽 우주 로켓 개발 지구
- e, p, d,: phrase, Excess Profits Duty 초과 이득세, Export Promotion Depathment